Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thoughts on abortion...

As I sit and study I am faced with many emotions on Abortion and how I will handle this in my practice.  These are my raw emotions as I try and work through this particular issue and what I wish for  humanity. My intent is not to make judgment or offend ANYone.  It is to spark thoughtful actions of us all.
Personal Thoughts:
There will always be a reason someone can justify abortion....rape, incest, medically dangerous for the mother, no time, no desire to have children, not ready, too young, too old.....the list continues.  Are these justified?  Perhaps....perhaps not. Who chooses really?  The mother, father, fetus?
My thoughts are that it is case by case, for rape, incest, and medically dangerous for the mother...but even then....we should pause.
Sexually active people have the knowledge (with or without birth control interventions) what sex can lead to....a pregnancy.  To me abortion is an easy way out of a selfish situation and requires little accountability (in the moment compared to what you want right now) on the people who made this pregnancy happen. Often times they don't even see the fetus (ultrasound or after procedure) and therefore become numb to the reality of killing a living being.  I know there is great debate on whether a embryo, fetus, baby, is's inside of us, it's made of living cells and it's growing, beating, breathing just as we is it not living?
Accountability is becoming sparse in our society with the little things like jobs, money, relationships...but this has creeped into deeper and darker area's and abortion is one of the darkest that is lit by 'women's rights', false hopes, denial, and promises made for a 'better' life without the responsibility of a child.  To these excuses extinguish hope, freedom, faith, belief, and love.
My personal recommendations:
The two A's, Abstinence & Adoption.  Abstinence is the most honorable and unselfish act one can do in relationship.  Pregnancy isn't the only thing that can 'go wrong' with sexual activity....look at the disparities in Africa with HIV...the increased prevalence of teenage STD's....need I continue?
There are so many people that long to have a child who are unable to naturally or artificially that would care and love for a child who is WANTED & DESIRED.
As a future provider in health care, I hope to educate more fully and help guide patients to not only a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, and effective treatment, but that I can inspire accountability for one's self and those they associate with.  With this accountability, humanity would change for the better in all aspects of life.  Think about it....